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The Truman School PTO is an organization consisting of parents/guardians and school staff. Our primary goal is to support Truman School and its students. We do this through volunteering and fundraising. With our fundraising efforts, we are able to provide the school with educational assemblies, gifts to the students and classrooms, books for the school, field day t-shirts and activities, and so much more!

Joining the PTO allows you to participate in PTO sponsored events and it provides the funding necessary to run these events. More importantly, it allows you to be a part of our team as we broaden the educational and social experiences for the children here at Truman School. Volunteers are needed for a variety of events throughout the year.

We have monthly meetings where we discuss upcoming events, activities, and more. We also have a Facebook page which we frequently update with information about events, fundraisers, etc. If you have a Facebook account, please come join us. Contact the PTO directly with any questions, concerns, or ideas by sending an email.


PTO Membership 

Birthday Board 



Executive Board Members

2024 - 2025


Antonella Leverett 

Terri Kelly DuChemin 

Treasurer: Shadia Ghanem

Corresponding Secretary: Amanda Kutcher 

Recording Secretary: Amanda Kutcher 

Corresponding Secretary: Caitlin Arvanites